3D com Fusão de imagens supera qualquer outra abordagem



“3D Fusion” Echocardiography Improves 3D Left Ventricular Assessment: Comparison with 2D Contrast Echocardiography




We have demonstrated fusion echocardiography can be incorporated into a clinical examination, with acquisition of a small number of additional 3D volumes, in a standard sequ-ence. The fusion of 3D volumes acquired in patients referred for dobutamine stress echocardiography, produced image quality approaching that of 2D contrast echocardiography, the gold standard approach for visualization of the endocardial border with ultrasound. These findings are promising and suggest fusion echocardiography may be clinically applicable and, in some situations, reduce the necessity for use of contrast to improve clinical workflow and cost effectiveness.


O mundo da ecocardiografia caminha para o 3D e suas evoluções. Sem acesso venoso.


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