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Para disfunção diastólica: Canja de galinha.

Impaired physical quality of life in patients with diastolic dysfunction associates more strongly with neurohumoral activation than with echocardiographic parameters: Quality of life in diastolic dysfunction.
American Heart Journal
Issue: Volume 161(4), April 2011, p 797–804
In DIAST-CHF, DD was prospectively identified and graded by an algorithm defined in the study protocol: Normal diastolic function (1 <= E/A, E/e' =1, E/A with Valsalva maneuver >=1), mild DD (E/A <1), moderate DD (1 <= E/A =10, S/D <1, E/A Valsalva =2 and 1 of the following: E/e’ >=10, S/D <1). . Conclusions: Physical dimensions of Quality of life are reduced in DD. Impaired Short Form 36-PF is only weakly associated with DD per se but rather seems to be contingent on the presence of elevated filling pressures. Biomarkers are more strongly and independently associated with SF-36-PF and may be more adequate surrogate markers of QoL in DD than echocardiographic measurements.
Marcadores de disfunção diastólica ao ecocardiograma se correlacionam fracamente com índices obtidos por um questionário de qualidade de vida.
O que será que estamos medindo ao ecocardiograma que não se correlaciona com a qualidade de vida, com o tratamento e mesmo com a redução da mortalidade?!?!?!?!?!?

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