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Relação sístole e diástole no ecoestresse

Diastolic time – frequency relation in the stress echo lab: filling timing and flow at different heart rates
Tonino Bombardini1*, Vincenzo Gemignani2, Elisabetta Bianchini2, Lucia Venneri1, Christina Petersen1, Emilio Pasanisi1, Lorenza Pratali1, David Alonso-Rodriguez3, Mascia Pianelli1, Francesco Faita2, Massimo Giannoni2, Giorgio Arpesella4 and Eugenio Picano
The sensor was fastened in the precordial region by a standard ECG electrode. The acceleration signal was converted into digital and recorded together with ECG signal.

Both systolic and diastolic times were acquired continuously during stress and were displayed by plotting times vs. heart rate. Diastolic filling rate was calculated as echo-measured mitral filling volume/sensor-monitored diastolic time.
Diastolic filling rate increased from 101 ± 36 (rest) to 219 ± 92 ml/m2* s-1 at peak stress (p < 0.5 vs. rest). . Conclusion Cardiological systolic and diastolic duration can be monitored during stress by using an acceleration force sensor. Simultaneous calculation of stroke volume allows monitoring diastolic filling rate. Stress-induced "systolic-diastolic mismatch" can be easily quantified and is associated to several cardiac diseases, possibly expanding the spectrum of information obtainable during stress. . . . . . . . . . . . Muito interessante, une conhecimentos de ausculta e física para monitorar o ciclo cardíaco. Como é simples, não deve ser tão caro!

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