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Disfunção endotelial: Chegando antes dos eventos e lesões de orgãos.

Non-invasive endothelial function testing and the risk of adverse outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis






Our meta-analysis confirms that brachial FMD and PAT are independent predictors of future CV events and all-cause mortality, beyond traditional CV risk factors. The strength of association of FMD and CV events is higher in patients with already established CVD, suggesting that FMD may be more useful in screening for recurrent CVD events in patients at high risk, rather screening than in a healthier general population cohort. Studies examining the role of FMD and PAT in clinical risk prediction and medical decision-making are needed.


Realizamos o FMD em estudos clínicos em nosso serviço e somos fãs da análise.

Acreditamos que no seguimento de um paciente ainda sem eventos desfavoráveis, poderemos usar o FMD para quantificar melhora endotelial.

Uma área que poderá ser utilizada também fora do circuito acadêmico




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