Dobutamina para abrir a Válvula Aórtica


We studied 24 consecutive patients recruited for symptomatic severe native valve AS (aortic valve area
10.5 cm2/m2),r8 mean transvalvular gradients 530 mm Hg? and LV dysfunction (LV ejection fraction 10.45).
Patients were excluded if they were too ill to participate (n = 3), had technically difficult echocardiograms (n =
2), or atria1 fibrillation (n = 1). Thus, 18 patients (age 70 f 9 years) completed the study. Significant coronary
artery disease (250% stenosis) was present in 8 (44%) .


Quanto mais estudamos a Estenose Aórtica, mais temos dificuldades no manejo clínico ou intervencionista.


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