Miocárdio diferente no DM


First, systolic strain values are significantly reduced in asymptomatic patients with DM, not only in the LV but also in the LA and RV. This confirms that DCM is a global cardiac phenomenon and not merely an LV dysfunction. Second, LA reservoir strain, RVGLS, and LVGLS had large effect sizes with SMD > 0.8. Finally, higher BMI associated with worse LVGLS, LVGRS, and LVSR, whereas higher HbA1c is the main contributor to worse RVGLS in patients with DM.


Obter os valores de Strain em uma população predominantemente obesa pode ser uma dificuldade adicional.

Estudos com a onda s´do anel Mitral foram questionados por questões de angulos do Doppler mas o Spekle Tracker não tem esta limitação.

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