Não errem na precificação do Strain

As vantagens do Strain no acompanhamento da quimioterapia jã são documentadas e concretas.

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Veja o argumento da ASE

Value Proposition for Payers

Potential benefits to payers associated with limited coverage of this code as detailed above include the following:

−Potential to reduce hospitalizations and overall healthcare costs in patients receiving potentially cardio toxic chemotherapy

            −Opportunity to help women with advanced breast cancer (the majority of   patients receiving anthracyclines, trastuzumab)

            −Congruent with most payers core principle of innovation

            −Low risk proposition (for example V67.2 comprised just 3% of indications for  echocardiography at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in 2014)

Americanos sempre falam em dinheiro.

E em reduções de gastos associados aos benefícios de novas tecnologias.