Gordura epicárdica: Vamos medir?

Relationship between Epicardial Fat Measured by Echocardiography and Coronary Atherosclerosis: A Single-Blind Historical Cohort Study

A historical cohort study was conducted on 143 patients, 40 to 87 years old, admitted for coronary angiography. The patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography and measurement of epicardial fat thickness in parasternal long-axis view at end-systole for 3 cardiac cycles. Both procedures were performed within a week before performing coronary angiography.
Epicardial fat thickness equal to or more than 7 mm may identify an individual with higher probability of having coronary atherosclerosis.

Viram isso? Que escore de cálcio que nada!!! Vamos medir a gordura epicárdica no Eco de rotina!!!!!


É fácil, é rápido, é barato e está nas nossas mãos!
Vamos deixar passar mais essa?
Está por sua conta, colega ecocardiografista.