Insuficiência Aórtica: Diferenciar espera adequada de passagem do ponto.






Background—The decision-making role of exercise echocardiography in the surgical timing for aortic regurgitation remains a matter of debate because of limited data on its link with outcome. The aim of this study was to assess the role of echocardiographic measurements at rest and during exercise as predictors of valve surgery in asymptomatic aortic regurgitation.




Our study of patients with asymptomatic AR, who were undergoing exercise echocardiography, showed that resting LV dysfunction (global LV strain), resting RV dysfunction (global RV strain), and exercise RV dysfunction (TAPSE) were independent predictors of future aortic valve surgery.


Quando operar um paciente com insuficiência aórtica pode ser uma questão muito difícil de responder ao repouso.

Esperar por parâmetros clínicos e numéricos com mais de 20 anos de publicação também não é uma boa idéia.


Hora de pedalar.




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